We get it; moving to cloud computing can be scary. But can you confidently say that you understand cloud computing?
Most business leaders know the basics and hear “cloud” often. Businesses resist moving from traditional servers to the cloud because they don’t fully understand it. They fear the risks and costs of investing in new technology but are unaware of its positive impacts on business intelligence and data analytics initiatives. This crash course from our advanced data solutions experts will help you consider the return on investment needed to make the jump.
When we say your data is in the cloud, we are referring to a network of servers accessed over the Internet. These servers run software and databases to find and deliver what you need.
Cloud servers are housed in data centers worldwide, meaning organizations do not manage physical servers or run software applications on their machines. Additionally, organizations can utilize the expertise of a Data Engineer Consultant to optimize data management and processing within the cloud environment.
A private cloud is a cloud service that is not shared with any other organization. In contrast, a public cloud, like Azure and AWS, shares computing services among different customers, but each customer's data, applications, and virtual networks are kept separate.
With the “public or private” question, it comes down to the organization’s goals, budget, and compliance constraints.
A public cloud is like renting an apartment, while a private cloud is like renting a similarly-sized house. The house is more private, but it typically costs more to rent. Maintenance in the apartment is handled by the building supervisor. In the house, it’s more involved (getting the contractor out or doing it yourself). In both situations, you still have the key to your cloud.
We see customers preferring a hybrid cloud approach (a private cloud with one, or more, public cloud services, with software enabling communication between each) for greater flexibility by moving workloads between cloud solutions as needs, and costs, fluctuate.
In-house computing can mean less room for network breach but also increased opportunity for error. With in-house computing, data is stored in a single location. In the case of natural disaster or theft, data and systems are more likely to be permanently lost. In cloud computing, your data, infrastructure, and services are likely spread over multiple servers in different regions and undergo updates, compliance modifications for data lineage, and security protocols, typically resulting in more secure computing.
The reduction in IT costs is one of the main advantages of choosing cloud computing over internally hosted infrastructure solutions. This comes from being able to provision flexible infrastructure, where you only pay for what you use. In addition, internal computing can be costly when you consider the time, and costs, of purchasing, housing and maintaining equipment.
Cloud data processing saves time and money, that is why companies are making this shift and making it now.
While all industries utilize the cloud, healthcare is using it to improve operations and patient care. The U.S. government and military were early adopters of cloud computing and “shifted focus from the technology itself to the core competencies and mission of the agency.”
Whether your tech stack includes Software as a Service like Slack, Infrastructure as a Service like Microsoft Azure, or Platform as a Service like Openshift, it’s vital to unify the ecosystem for a data-first approach. Reach out to us at info@smesgroup.com to schedule a discovery call.
In the next year, I expect to see an increase in companies moving to the cloud. -Chris Moyer, President and CEO, SME Solutions Group