Data Enablement

Capabilities Explorer

This Capabilities Explorer is a high-level overview of the capabilities that SME Solutions Group provides to organizations. Navigate to discover capabilities for your role, whether it’s business user, analyst, citizen data scientist, or data engineer.


In today's fast-paced and highly competitive business environment, organizations need to leverage a modern business analytics solution to use their data for a competitive edge. Our business analytics consulting services help clients harness the power of data to make informed decisions, optimize their operations, and drive growth. Whether you're looking to improve efficiency, increase revenue, or reduce costs, our team of experienced consultants can provide valuable insights and tailored solutions, including a business analytics solution, to meet your unique needs.

Data-Driven Solutions

Our business analytics consulting services offer a comprehensive approach to leveraging data for strategic decision-making and operational optimization. By analyzing data trends and patterns, we provide clients with valuable insights that empower them to make informed choices and drive their business forward. Our tailored solutions are designed to address specific challenges and goals, helping businesses unlock their full potential and achieve sustainable growth.

Advanced Analytical Tools

Through the utilization of cutting-edge analytics tools and innovative techniques, we delve deep into the data to unveil intricate patterns, emerging trends, and untapped opportunities that may have previously gone unnoticed. By doing so, we empower our clients to unlock hidden value and unleash their full potential, leading to unprecedented growth and success in today's dynamic business landscape.

Experienced Consultants

Our team of seasoned consultants collaborates closely with clients, delving deep into their specific needs and obstacles. By crafting customized strategies and solutions, we not only provide tangible results but also propel growth in a dynamic and competitive business landscape. With a focus on understanding the intricacies of each client's operations, we ensure that our tailored approach leads to sustainable success and continuous improvement.

Business Intelligence Tool Selection

Choosing between the various business analytics solutions is a critical step that can significantly influence an organization's ability to make informed decisions and stay competitive.

Evaluation Criteria

This process involves evaluating various factors such as specific business needs, data complexity, user skill levels, scalability, integration capabilities with existing systems, and budget constraints. Companies must consider the types of analytics they require, whether descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, or prescriptive, and select a solution that best matches their analytical maturity and future growth plans. It's also vital to assess the solution's user-friendliness to ensure wide adoption across the organization and the vendor's support and community strength for ongoing development and troubleshooting.

Think Big Picture

In essence, the chosen BA solution should not only address the current analytical requirements but also be future-proof, adaptable to the evolving business landscape, and capable of harnessing the latest technological advancements. It should serve as a strategic asset that enables organizations to stay ahead of the curve, anticipate market trends, and make data-driven decisions that drive growth and innovation.

Cloud Data Warehouse Platform Selection

Choosing the right data storage solution is essential for effectively managing the ever-expanding data landscape in today's digital era.

It is crucial to consider the volume of data to be stored, the diversity of data sources involved, and the pace at which new data is being produced when deciding between a traditional database, a data warehouse, or a data lake.

Each option presents its own set of advantages and constraints, emphasizing the significance of thoroughly evaluating your specific needs before making a decision.

We've noticed a growing number of customers deliberating between Azure Synapse and Snowflake for their data storage needs so we have created this guide.

Define Objectives

The journey into business analytics is a structured approach aimed at empowering businesses to make informed decisions and enhance their operational efficiencies. The SME Approach starts with a deep dive into understanding the unique objectives and challenges faced by a business that the analytics solutions aim to address. 

Identifying Business Goals

The first step is to clearly define what the business aims to achieve through analytics. Goals may vary widely among businesses; some might aim to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty by analyzing customer feedback and behavior, while others might focus on optimizing their supply chain for cost reduction and efficiency.

Understanding Obstacles

Along with goals, it's crucial to identify any obstacles that might impede achieving these goals. Obstacles can be internal, such as legacy systems that are not compatible with new analytics tools, or external, like market conditions or regulatory challenges that could affect the data analysis and its outcomes.

Tailoring Analytics Solutions

With a clear understanding of the goals and obstacles, the next step is to design analytics solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of the business. This involves selecting the right tools, technologies, and methodologies that align with the business's objectives and can overcome the identified obstacles. For instance, a business aiming to enhance customer experience might leverage predictive analytics to personalize offerings and communications.

Data Collection

In order to effectively meet the business objectives, it is crucial to gather data from a variety of sources, both internal and external. By harnessing information from these diverse channels, businesses can make informed decisions to drive growth and success.

Internal Sources

This could involve extracting internal data from CRM systems to analyze customer interactions and trends, tapping into ERP systems to streamline business processes and enhance operational efficiency, and delving into financial records to track performance metrics and financial health.

External Sources

Additionally, businesses can also leverage data from industry reports, competitor analysis, and consumer surveys to gain a comprehensive understanding of market trends and consumer preferences. Social media platforms provide valuable insights into customer sentiment, brand perception, and emerging trends that can inform marketing strategies and product development. 

Data Preparation

Cleanse and prepare the data for analysis is a crucial step in the data analysis process. This involves meticulously handling missing values, eliminating duplicates, and ensuring that the data is structured in a way that is conducive to analysis.

Data Integration

Additionally, data integration may be required to merge information from various sources, creating a comprehensive dataset for a more thorough analysis. By taking these necessary steps, you can ensure that your data is accurate, reliable, and ready for in-depth analysis.

Data Cleaning

This involves identifying and correcting errors, inconsistencies, and inaccuracies in the data. Data cleaning activities might include removing duplicates, correcting typographical errors, handling missing values, and standardizing data formats. The goal is to improve the quality and reliability of the data set before it is used for analysis or further processing.

Data Transformation

This refers to the process of converting data from one format or structure into another. This can involve a wide range of activities such as normalizing data scales, aggregating data points, encoding categorical variables, and creating derived variables. The purpose of data transformation is to make the data more suitable for specific analysis tasks or to meet the input requirements of data analysis tools and algorithms.

Data Analysis

We can augment existing Data Analytics Teams by performing exploratory data analysis to uncover patterns, trends, and insights. This step may involve statistical analysis, data visualization, predictive modeling, or other advanced analytics techniques.

Data Modeling

This is the process of creating a data model for the data to be stored in a database. It involves defining and analyzing data requirements needed to support the business processes within the scope of corresponding information systems in organizations. Therefore, the process of data modeling involves professional data modelers working closely with business stakeholders, as well as potential users of the information system.

Data Visualization

This involves creating graphical representations of data to help understand complex relationships within the data and communicate findings clearly and effectively. Common tools include charts, graphs, and maps. Data visualization aids in spotting trends, patterns, and outliers, making it easier for stakeholders to make informed decisions.

Insight Generation

By delving deep into the data findings, you will uncover invaluable insights that can revolutionize your strategic decision-making process. Whether it's identifying cost-saving opportunities, uncovering new revenue streams, or streamlining operational efficiency, the data is a goldmine waiting to be explored.

Our ultimate objective is to empower you with the knowledge and foresight to make informed, intelligent decisions that will propel your business towards unparalleled success. Let the data be your guiding light as you navigate the path to growth and prosperity.


Crafting a comprehensive strategy to effectively apply the valuable insights obtained from the analysis is crucial for driving business growth and success. This strategic approach involves not only reevaluating and optimizing current business processes but also delving into market research to identify emerging trends and consumer needs.

By leveraging these insights, businesses can innovate and launch new products or services that resonate with their target audience, ultimately setting themselves apart in a competitive landscape. Implementing strategic actions aligned with overarching business objectives ensures a focused and intentional approach to growth, leading to sustainable success and a strong competitive advantage.

With careful planning and execution, businesses can navigate the ever-changing market dynamics and position themselves for long-term prosperity.

Product Maintenance and Ongoing Support

Ensuring the durability and dependability of a product, providing ongoing maintenance and support is crucial. This includes resolving any post-launch issues and consistently enhancing its performance and user experience.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Once implemented, it is essential to continuously monitor the outcomes of the analytics solution to assess its impact effectively. Utilize key performance indicators (KPIs) to gauge success and pinpoint areas that may require further enhancement or optimization. This ongoing evaluation process is crucial in ensuring that the analytics solution is delivering the desired results and meeting the objectives set forth.


In the ever-evolving landscape of business, staying ahead requires a continuous cycle of revisiting and refining your analytics solution. By adapting to shifting business conditions, aligning with new objectives, and incorporating emerging technologies, you can ensure that your analytics strategy remains effective and drives optimal results. This iterative approach not only enhances the performance of your solution but also keeps your business agile and competitive in today's dynamic market environment.

Talk with an Expert about SME's Data Enablement Services