Webinar: Smart Pipelines for Smart Meters

Smart Pipelines for Smart Meters Webinar

The continuous rollout of AMI smart meters and IoT edge devices has led to an explosion of data in the energy and utility industry. Due to certain regulations and security concerns, co-ops were tied down to on-premise deployments with limited options for scalability.

As cloud technologies become more mature, these restrictions become less applicable and companies are seeing a viable journey to the cloud. But how do they navigate through the seemingly extensive process of moving their massive footprint without experiencing down-time or lag?

One such company entrusted SME Solutions Group and StreamSets to help them build a proof of concept to outline the blueprints for a complete shift to Azure. In this session, you will hear from George Barrett and Ron Katzman of SME Solutions Group as they recap how implementing StreamSets’ platform eased the pains of the cloud migration and helped the energy company unlock newfound speed, resilience, and governance in their data integration process.



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